Love Words

This is our 26th Valentine’s Day together, and Robyn and I have learned a lot over that lifetime. The journey has taught us that love goes beyond sweet words; it demands forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Amidst the commercialized love expressions, we’ve learned that love is defined by these deeper values, shaping our everyday reality and proving that love is indeed work.

Following Mary’s Lead Into the New Year

As the Christmas season ends, I like to look at Mary’s perspective. Her life has been turned upside down in the last year. She went from being a young girl excited about marriage to encountering angels, facing expulsion or even worse, death. The government has caused her world to turn upside down, there is politicalContinue reading “Following Mary’s Lead Into the New Year”

Standing Up for Your Convictions Without Changing Your Profile Pic

There’s a word that’s been used a lot in the last couple days over social media in regards to the decision by the Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage.  Don’t worry, it’s not a word that is offensive.  At least it shouldn’t be. There’s been a lot of yelling, back and forth, about convictions.  OneContinue reading “Standing Up for Your Convictions Without Changing Your Profile Pic”

Thanksgiving: Day 1

The holidays are upon us.  With the end of Halloween, we are in full “season’s greetings” mode.  This is my favorite time of the year, and it’s easy to rush through it all. I am going to endeavor to write one thing I am grateful for every day until Thanksgiving.  There is so much toContinue reading “Thanksgiving: Day 1”

What, Me Worry?

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”  — Jesus. I realized a few nights ago that I am a worrier. I may not come across like one.  I’m a generally positive person, I have a lot of joy, and I find much pleasure in simple things.  But I worryContinue reading “What, Me Worry?”

A White Thanksgiving

  This is a different Thanksgiving for us. To begin with, snow is falling, the Christmas decorations are already up, and as I write this, I hear the Osmonds singing “The Christmas Waltz.”  It almost feels like December 25th, but there’s no tree dropping pine needles on the floor and the kids didn’t wake meContinue reading “A White Thanksgiving”