3 Rules Every Family Should Live By

Since our eldest was born 23 years ago, Robyn and I have realized there are many things people say children should learn, many things parents should focus on to ensure their kids turn out great, to have a happy family.  We’ve tried a few of them. Some of them have worked, but many of themContinue reading “3 Rules Every Family Should Live By”

10 Things Parents Can Do for Their Kids to Help Them Succeed

I have four children, so I get it.  Parenting is hard. As James Dobson once wrote, it’s not for cowards.  That beautiful little sleeping newborn is actually the beginning of a full grown human being, with wants, desires, attitudes, feelings, and emotions.  And as that baby grows up, it will ask more and more ofContinue reading “10 Things Parents Can Do for Their Kids to Help Them Succeed”

The Visionary Importance of Otter Pops

I am on vacation this week. That may sound easy, but the trouble is vacation is never quite as easy when you’re a pastor.  Mostly because there’s this one day of the week that really requires you to actually be there for everything to “work.” Sundays are never easy for pastors to take off.  JustContinue reading “The Visionary Importance of Otter Pops”

School. Is. Almost. Done.

And I’m glad. I think I dislike the school year more than my kids do. I dislike homework. I dislike studying. I hate quizzes. I dislike reading logs and state capital quizzes. I dislike all of it. I like summer mornings.  I like the kids sleeping in.  I like waking up to sunshine and goingContinue reading “School. Is. Almost. Done.”